Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Handbook

The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Handbook provides complete and thorough coverage of the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) field. Theoty, fundamentals, equipment, and safety information are provided to teach you to make successful welds. Basic skills and proper prcedures are presented in easy-to-understand language and combined with numerous illustrations to guide you in learning about GTAW. The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Handbook is designed to teach the understand and skills needed to enter the welding field. The squence of chapters will lead you through GTAW principles and practices in logical order. You will be introduced to the following areas:
- The types and safe operation of GTAW equipment
- Setup and maintenance of equipment
- Types of welds, joint design and tooling
- Welding techniques and procedures for various types of metals
- Semiautomatic and automatic welding systems
- Inspections practices and welding control
- Weld repair
- Qualification and certification
- Estimating cost
Steve Thompson is a welder with many years of practical experience in specialized welding. His experience ranges from exotic petrochemical pipework, through cast irons, alumium, steels and coppers to fine tool repair work.